When doing so the boss should gain 1-2 stacks of the debuff. Every time the boss gets ready to drop his debuff the tank should dunk the boss under the fire and refresh it. The strategy is simple and you should likely get this achievement without really trying for it.

Once all zealots have evolved and been killed proceed to kill Corla. Once the zealot dies allow a second to evolve, and then repeat for the third. As soon as the third zealot evolves he will cast Shadow strike, causing him to blink to the person highest on the aggro table and doing a ton of damage, this should be interrupted and any subsequent casts should be interrupted as well. While Corla is being pulled away the remaining DPS and tank should take the beams for two of the zealots and allow the third to evolve. The OT can be a rogue, a plate DPS, or a hunter pet, Corla does not hit that hard, however (link fear ability) must be interrupted. Have your OT pull Corla down the hallway to ensure she is 40 yards away from the zealots. Any additional accidental aggro will wipe the group.

Instance (number of achievements in instance) Please comment and notate if there are any additional information that can be added to each achievement and we will keep the guide updated as a community.
Crushing bones and cracking skulls solo legion how to#
Here is a quick and easy guide on how to complete the Glory of the Cataclysm Hero Achievements.